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DataBind JS API

The DataBind component can be used to keep a value in sync between multiple DOM elements.



  • Type: string
  • Default: 'textContent'


  • Type: string
  • Default: ''

The name option is used to group instances together. All related instances will be updated when the value changes.

When using it with multiple checkboxes or select multiple, use the [] suffix to push each selected value in an array. See the checkboxes example for more details on how this works.



Get and set the value on the current instance. This is a getter and setter alias for the set(value) and get() methods.


  • Type: HTMLElement
  • Readonly

The targeted DOM element.


  • Type: boolean
  • Readonly

Wether new values should be pushed to an array instead of a single value. This is enabled by adding the [] suffix to the name option.


set(value: string | boolean | string[], dispatch = true)

Set the value for the current instance and dispatch it to others if the second parameter dispatch is set to true (default).


  • value (string | boolean | string[]): the value to set
  • dispatch (boolean, default to true): wether to dispatch the value to other related instances or not


Get the value for the current instance.