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Transition JS

The Transition primitive should be used when creating components which can switch between two states (often visible/hidden). It implements the transition utility from the @studiometa/js-toolkit package and provides configuration via data-option-... attributes and actions with the leave and leave methods which trigger the transition between the two states of the component.

It is available as a Transition component as well as a withTransition(Base) decorator.

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As a primitive, the Transition class should be used to create other components instead of being used directly in an application.

import { Transition } from '@studiometa/ui';

export default class Togglable extends Transition {
  static config = {
    name: 'Togglable',

Once you component is created, you can use it in your app and trigger its enter and leave methods to switch its states:

import { Base, createApp } from '@studiometa/js-toolkit';
import Togglable from './Togglable.js';

class App extends Base {
  static config = {
    name: 'App',
    refs: ['enterBtn', 'leaveBtn'],
    components: {

  onEnterBtnClick() {

  onLeaveBtnClick() {

export default createApp(App);

You can now add a togglable component in your HTML with the needed option to describe the transition:

  data-option-enter-from="transform translate-y-20 opacity-0"
  data-option-enter-active="transition duration-500 ease-out-expo"
  data-option-leave-active="transition duration-500 ease-out-expo"
  data-option-leave-to="transform translate-y-20 opacity-0"
  class="transform translate-y-4 opacity-0"


Checkout the result of this example for a better understanding.

Use the decorator to make an existing component transitionable

The transition API can be added to an existing component by wrapping it with the withTransition decorator. The Togglable component from the previous example can also be implemented as follows:

import { Base } from '@studiometa/js-toolkit';
import { withTransition } from '@studiometa/ui';

export default class Togglable extends withTransition(Base) {
  // ...