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Reinsurance examples

4 center items

3 center items

Slider in mobile (only css)

Stylized section

Use this component to create Reinsurance. Horizontal list of elements with icons, title and content.

Table of content


Once the package installed, simply include the Twig template component in your project:

{% include '@ui-pkg/Reinsurance/Reinsurance.twig' with {
  list: list
} only %}

HTML Snippet

<section class="text-[0] pt-14 pb-6 text-center w-full">
  {% for item in 0..4 %}
    <div class="inline-block align-top mb-12 s:mb-8 px-3 w-56 whitespace-normal">
      <!-- Change -->
      <span class="inline-block mb-2 s:mb-8">
        <svg xmlns="" height="48" viewBox="0 -960 960 960" width="48"><path d="m333-259 147-88 148 89-40-166 130-113-171-15-67-158-66 157-171 15 130 112-40 167ZM223-107l68-292L64-596l300-25 116-276 117 276 299 25-227 197 68 292-257-155-257 155Zm257-367Z"/></svg>
      <p class="text-xl mb-2">
        <!-- Change -->
        Titre {{ loop.index0 }}
      <p class="text-sm text-black-50 mb-0">
        <!-- Change -->
        Contenu {{ loop.index0 }}
  {% endfor %}