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Frame JS

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The Frame component and it's children FrameForm, FrameTarget, FrameAnchor are used to perform GET or POST requests without reloading the page.


Orchestrate the mechanic of request handling, caching, updating the browser history, etc. The component must-have an id attribute. The component only work with it's children FrameForm, FrameTarget, FrameAnchor.

<div data-component="Frame" id="my-frame">
  <a data-component="FrameAnchor" href="">My foo bar link</a>
  <form data-component="FrameForm" action="https://..." method="GET">
    <!-- ... -->
  <div data-component="FrameTarget" id="my-target">
    <!-- ... -->


The component should only be used on a HTMLFormElement and need to have both action and method attributes. The action attribute is where the fetch request will be send to, the method attribute indicate if the request should be a GET or a POST request.

<form data-component="FrameForm" action="https://..." method="GET">
<!-- my code -->

All inputs inside the FrameForm with be send along with the request.

<form data-component="FrameForm" action="" method="GET">
  <input type="text" name="firstname" value="Jean-Claude">
  <input type="text" name="lastname" value="Van Damme">
  <!-- will send the request Damme


This component indicate which part of the document should be updated once the request is performed. Only content inside a FrameTarget will change when a request is done. It's good pratice to add an id for each FrameTarget

<div data-component="FrameTarget" id="my-target">
  <!-- My code inside this component be updated on each request perform by the parent Frame component -->


This component is used to send request via URL links. This component should only be used on HTMLAnchorlement

<a data-component="FrameAnchor" href="">My foo bar link</a>

When clicking on this FrameAnchor a fetch request, will be send using this href attribute and GET attributes param1 and params2 will be send as well.