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FigureVideo JSTwig

Use the FigureVideo component to display loop, muted & autoplay decorative videos.

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Register the component in your JavaScript app and use the Twig template to display videos.

import { Base, createApp } from '@studiometa/js-toolkit';
import { FigureVideo } from '@studiometa/ui';

class App extends Base {
  static config = {
    name: 'Base',
    components: {

export default createApp(App);
{% include '@ui/FigureVideo/FigureVideo.twig' with {
  src: '/video.mp4',
  width: 640,
  height: 360
} only %}

With or without lazy load

The Twig component is lazy by default, so if you need to display videos with an eager loading strategy, set the lazy parameter to false;

{% include '@ui/FigureVideo/FigureVideo.twig' with {
  src: '/video.mp4',
  width: 640,
  height: 360,
+ lazy: false
} only %}

With TwicPics

If your project uses TwicPics to optimize videos, you can use the FigureVideoTwicpics class instead of the Figure class. You will need to extend it in your project to configure the TwicPics' domain to use.

import { FigureVideoTwicpics } from '@studiometa/ui';

export default class FigureVideo extends FigureVideoTwicpics {
  static config = {
    name: 'FigureVideo',

  get domain() {
    return '';

And replace the import in your app to import your local class instead of the one from the package.

  import { Base, createApp } from '@studiometa/js-toolkit';
- import { FigureVideo } from '@studiometa/ui';
+ import { FigureVideo } from './FigureVideo.js';

  class App extends Base {
    static config = {
      name: 'Base',
      components: {

  export default createApp(App);