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FigureTwicpics JSTwig

Use the FigureTwicpics component to display images with the Twicpics API.

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Register the component in your JavaScript app and use the Twig template to display images.

import { Base, createApp } from '@studiometa/js-toolkit';
import { FigureTwicpics } from '@studiometa/ui';

class App extends Base {
  static config = {
    name: 'Base',
    components: {
      Figure: FigureTwicpics,

export default createApp(App);
<div class="card">
  {% include '@ui/Figure/FigureTwicpics.twig' with {
    src: '',
    width: 400,
    height: 400,
    twic_domain: ''
  } only %}

With JavaScript only

To avoid repeating the domain and path of your Twicpics project via data-option-* attributes, you can define the domain and path getter directly by extending the FigureTwicpics class in your project.

import { FigureTwicpics } from '@studiometa/ui';

export default class Figure extends FigureTwicpics {
  static config = {
    name: 'Figure',

  get domain() {
    return '';

  get path() {
    return 'production';

And replace the import in your app to import your local class instead of the one from the package.

  import { Base, createApp } from '@studiometa/js-toolkit';
- import { FigureTwicpics } from '@studiometa/ui';
+ import { Figure } from './Figure.js';

  class App extends Base {
    static config = {
      name: 'Base',
      components: {

  export default createApp(App);


Setting the domain and path via getters in JavaScript will work with lazyloaded images. If you disable lazyloading when using the Twig template, you will need to specify the twic_domain and twic_path Twig options.

With Twig

If your project uses Twig as a templating language, it is recommended to define the domain and path for TwicPics in Twig. This will allow the usage of TwicPics for placeholders.

The best way to implement this is to define an override for the Figure.twig template in your project by adding an atoms/Figure/Figure.twig file and using the @ui namespace to include the component {% include '@ui/Figure/Figure.twig' with {} %}. You will then be able to extends the FigureTwicpics.twig template:

{% extends '@ui-pkg/Figure/FigureTwicpics.twig' %}

{% set twic_domain = '' %}
{% set twic_path = 'my-path' %}


This approach is a replacement of defining the domain and path in JavaScript described above.

Using placeholders

By default, the FigureTwicpics component uses an blank SVG placeholder as the source of the image. This can be customized with the twic_placeholder parameter.

{# Will display a blurred version of the image #}
{% include '@ui/Figure/FigureTwicpics.twig' with {
  twic_domain: '',
  twic_placeholder: 'preview',
} %}

{# Will display a lighter version of the image with its quality degraded to 5 #}
{% include '@ui/Figure/FigureTwicpics.twig' with {
  twic_domain: '',
  twic_placeholder: {
    quality_max: 5,
} %}